Monday, November 28, 2011

Where am I?

Where am I?
...doesn't that question sound so philosophical?

To answer my own question; I am in many different places. answer my question's question; yes, yes it does.

Where am I going with this line of thought? one knows, haha!

In my attempt to start an informative blog I figured it might be helpful to let you know where I am mentally, physically, spiritually, etc.

I spend a lot of time thinking about where I am, but in summary: I'm in the process of raising support to go to South Sudan as a missionary, to do civil engineering and youth outreach and ministry.

Mentally: I've shown you probably too much about my mental state already!: I am one scatter-brained individual! In keeping true to my nature, I will continue in this though process later in the post, as I think it will be more helpful to explain the other wheres away first.

Geographically: I am living in Philadelphia, PA. This is my "home base" of operations, and where I have been living since I was in South Sudan on internship with World Harvest Mission (since last December).

Employmentally: Though I am employed by World Harvest Mission as a missionary, I am still in the support raising process and will need to supporting myself financially until I become a full-time worker (I leave to work in South Sudan). In the mean time, I've been working as a general remodeling contractor for a good friend of mine to make ends meet, and will continue to do so until just before I leave.

Spiritually: I am trusting that God loves me, and have been resting in the fact that the debt Jesus Christ paid on the cross on my behalf has allowed for me to enter into relationship with God, as His son! Though many times I feel discouraged about where I am spiritually, mentally, physically, geographically, the infinite grace of God comforts me, sets me free to love as He has loved me.

Mentally: Constantly getting overwhelmed by things I feel I have to do, though always being reminded of the fact that Jesus has accomplished everything I have needed and will ever need to do.

Going to be: I don't know, but God is showing me day by day that He has a plan, and that it will involve me getting loved by him. Hazah!

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, I'll be trying to add a new post at least bi-weekly so stay tuned in!

1 comment:

  1. John! Just happened upon this through Facebook and was delighted to see that you had just posted today! Hope you continue to post here. I'll be in Philly for a little while over Christmas and it would be great to meet up. I'd love to hear more about your plans and your time in Sudan.
    Cheers, Holly
